NABH Accredited Ayurvedic Hospital

Our Doctor's Message

Dr. Ajil Kumar
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DIAGNOSIS is about identifying the disease.

PROGNOSIS is about predicting the outcome of a disease.

ETIOGNOSIS is about finding what caused the disease.

Is it in the same order that the process sets in when the patient makes clinical presentation? Absolutely not. But it is the magical combination of these three that brings out the best result for the patient. Similarly, Ayurveda is about balancing of Tri dosha – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. And when the balance is struck, the magic moment is born.

To create this magic moment, KAH has perfected its ELIXIR approach.

E - Entrenched: The collective wisdom of our pantheon of physicians and support therapists affirms the faith in established system of therapy and hence ENTRENCHED.
L - Lateral: The same collective wisdom gives us the confidence to approach issues laterally to enhance efficacy of treatment and lower attendant costs. This is where the combination of prognosis, diagnosis and etiognosis gains relevance.
I – Intuitive: The rich experience of the Chief Physician and his accomplished team has emboldened us to iterate process improvements in therapy resulting in better and faster results.
X - Experience: The intuitiveness mentioned earlier is borne out of the rich experience of the team. Dr Ajil Kumar has handled more than half a million patients, to make a passing mention. This has enhanced the etiognosis dimension of the treatment.
I – Intensive: The state-of-the-art facility with NABH accreditation ensures that the treatment is Intensive.
R - Result-Oriented: The ELIXI part of the approach has rewarded the patients with most satisfactory results in terms of pain mitigation, regenerative stimulus and long-term flexibility. Hence, Result-oriented. This completes the ELIXIR approach of KAH.

It has been a brick-by-brick journey that has led us to where we are today:

  • A convenient OP Clinic in Trichy town.
  • State-of-the-art in-patient Hospital within city precincts with sixty beds and eighteen therapy rooms.
  • Fully equipped support therapy facilities like physiotherapy, yoga etc.
  • In-house manufactured oils and medicines and sourced from GMP certified manufacturers.
  • Proven process-driven organisation with ISO 9001:2015 Certification.
  • NABH Accreditation that facilitates hassle-free reimbursement of treatment expenses from all major Insurance Service Providers.

KAH considers privileged to be contributing to Kalidasa’s verse in Kumarasambhava,

A sound mind in a sound body”.

Experience the journey through ELIXIR to NECTAR to relishing the MADHU.      About KAH

Why KAH?

When much excitement is created behind our ELIXIR turning NECTAR in your hands, it is natural that the bees fly in to taste the nectar. So, let me articulate on the MADHU factor that attracts patients to seek us from far and wide.

M – Menu-driven: KAH is a process driven organisation. This is reflected in the beginning to end of a patient’s engagement with us, establishing that we don’t jump the menu and make compromises in patient’s success. The experience of our physicians, support therapists and counsellors, our adherence to quality of medicines through in-house manufacturing or sourcing from GMP certified manufacturers and regimented post-hospitalisation rigour have been part of the ecstasy that patients have experienced.
A- Accreditation from NABH: The menu-driven approach forms the foundation for our accreditation from the apex regulatory body for healthcare, the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers. This is also backed by ISO 9001:2015 certification. Our state-of-the-art facilities have been pivotal enablers behind these certifications.
D – Dhanwanthari’s Divinity: Dhanwanthari is the Doctor God who emerged from the ocean with the nectar in His hand. The potion that grants immortality. While we do not endeavour to claim immortality, with all humility, we would submit our diagnostic success to Lord Dhanwanthari’s divine blessings.
H – Heuristic: This means self-discovery. We have explained the Intuitiveness in our ELIXIR approach and this forms the raft of the heuristics which we transmit to the patients also, to enable them to manage themselves to better recovery and results.
U – Ultimate: If our Elixir has been accepted as Nectar by our patients, we can confidently vouch that the results have been the Ultimate in patients’ bliss.

Our Specialization

Back Pain

Low Back Pain

Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Joint Pain

Knee Joint Pain

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis



Skin Care

Skin Care



Hair Fall

Hair Fall

What Our Patients Say

ELIXIR Draws On EXPERIENCE... Here Is Our Humble Numbers...

  • 900

    Years of Experience

  • 60000+

    Out Patients

  • 27000+

    Spine Disease

  • 10000+

    Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • 15000+

    OA Knee Joint

Our Treatments


Snehapaana means drinking the sneha or the unctuous material like ghee (clarified butter), sesame oil, animal fat or marrow. However ghee (clarified butter) is most commonly used. Read More ->


In pizhichili, lukewarm medicated herbal oil is poured all over the body. This treatment is very effective in rheumatic diseases like arthritis, paralysis, spondilitis, hemiplegia nervous weakness and nervous disorders. Read More ->


Shastika Pinde Swedam or Njavarakizhi is the most rejuvenating treatment in which, the patient anointed with suitable oil all over the body and is massaged with boluses of Navara in seven different postures. Read More ->


Choorna Swedam" or "Podikizhi" is a treatment in which the body is subjected to exude profusely after a thorough massage with warm boluses of herbal powders tied up in cotton cloth. Read More ->


Kadivasthi is a simple and unique Ayurvedic therapy which involves retaining warm Ayuvedic oil over the affected area bordered with herbal and dough paste, followed by a gentle massage.Read More ->


In this process, some herbal oils, medicated milk, medicated butter milk etc., are poured on the forehead in a particular method using a special pot, for about 45 minutes 1 hr a day. Read More ->


Sarvangadhara is dhara (streaming) over the whole body and part of the Purvakarma therapies help loosen up the toxins prior to the main course of treatment. Read More ->


Performing fomentation in a tub filled with medicated decoctions etc., is known as Avagaha Swedana. After anointing the body with medicated oils the patient is asked to lie or sit in a tub containing Luke warm decoctions upto neck level. Read More ->


In this procedure specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured over the neck and retained inside the black gram paste boundary for the required duration. Read More ->


Panchakarma is one of the unique therapeutic procedures in Ayurveda advocated for the radical elimination of disease causing factors and to maintain the equilibrium of doshas. Read More ->


This is the specific treatment for vitiated "KABHA" -one of the tridoshas. The patient is made to vomit under controlled conditions. The emulsified and detached diseased doshas are eliminated from the body by Vamamnam, Virechanam and Nasyam. Read More ->


Sarvangadhara is dhara (streaming) over the whole body and part of the Purvakarma therapies help loosen up the toxins prior to the main course of treatment. Read More ->


Vasthi is the most effective treatment of vata disorders, although many enemas over a prescribed period of time are usually required. It relieves constipation, distention, chronic fever, cold, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, backache, sciatica and other pains in the joints. Read More ->


Sarvangadhara is dhara (streaming) over the whole body and part of the Purvakarma therapies help loosen up the toxins prior to the main course of treatment. Milk, especially cow's milk is the liquid used for Ksheeradhara. Read More ->


Raktamokshana[Bloodletting] by application of medicinal leech [Jalaukacharan] is described in ayurveda by Sushruta. Leech application is the safest method of blood letting. Read More ->


These are the localized treatments of the eye. These are a set of treatments done on the eye to rid the patient off the particular disease. They are mainly of five types" Aschyotana, Seka, Anjana, Tarpana and Putapaka. Read More ->

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